Silently being judged by your posture…

Yes it is true! If it’s not your Chiropractor, there is likely that there is someone out there shocked by the way you sit or stand. And that someone might actually be you!

Have you ever wondered “how did I get so short lately?”, do you have a tailor who always claims one of your legs is shorter than the other, or do you look at your children and wonder about those rounded shoulders that seem to have developed in the last few years?

So it begs the question, what effect does poor posture have on us? Is it just a visual thing or are there other issues to consider?

There is a lot of debate about the full effect of poor posture, but what I can tell you is there is enough evidence to support that good posture has many health benefits – both for you and your family.

When it comes to poor posture, the sooner you can address it, the better! Which means you may have to turn into your parents and keep reminding yourself and your family to “sit straight”!

Nowadays, we sit longer than ever before and our bodies are much more likely to hunch forward as our head follow with this. This sub-optimal posture leads to chronic overuse and stretching of muscles, tendons and ligaments around the spine and other joints, while at the same time shortening and tightening up other areas to compensate. This then leads to muscle strains and imbalances which can lead to neck, shoulder, back pain, or eyestrain. Some people find that poor posture can even trigger headaches.

As a result, we lose good postural alignment and our centre of gravity changes leading to more falls and injuries which place children as well as older people at risk of injury. 

Slouched postures can affect our energy levels as well. Sustained and regular hunching can cause fatigue and reduced energy as your rib cage becomes restricted and compression of your main breathing muscle (diaphragm) reduces the ability for your lungs to work fully. For this same reason, the heart may also be strained. With less oxygen moving in and through the body – you will be tired!

Apart from pain and fatigue, there can also be an effect on mental health. There have been a few studies which show the connection between posture and decreased wellness which might seem surprising on the surface. Research conducted at San Francisco State University examined how students recalled, and thought about past experiences (good and bad). The group was told to recall both negative and positive experiences – once while sitting up straight, the other while slouching. The results showed that in a slumped position the participants found it easier to recall negative emotions and experiences while on the contrary, participants found it much easier to recall positive experiences when sitting straight. 


So, enough with the problems, let’s look at the solution. And as luck would have it, Chiropractic is to the rescue! We’re a click away from saving the day.

Chiropractors identify and correct the various factors which contribute to poor posture, such as joint  subluxations, muscle imbalances and several other dysfunctions.

Specific chiropractic adjustments correct these problem areas which mean your body can naturally take up a better posture and it will be more comfortable to sit straight! Balancing muscle tone and reducing muscle tension, correct posture is easier to maintain. With improved posture there is less strain on the soft tissue structure which results in less pain and you are less likely to get ‘wear and tear’ or Osteoarthritis in the delicate joints of your spine, hips, knees and ankles.

So, if you’re reading this and you don’t have a Chiropractor in your life call us at CoreHealth Chiropractic as we help people of all ages to correct their posture. The earlier posture and function is well maintained, the more benefits in life going forward. Make your body and mind great again – sit and stand straight! 

In the meantime, if you can make the small change, it can have a great impact on your physical and mental health!

See, your parents were right afterall…

‘til next time, Brenda x 


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