What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of pelvic imbalance.

This can of course occur at any age and stage, however as your body changes throughout pregnancy it is more likely that your pelvis may be challenged with the growth of your baby and the uterus they’re housed in.

The Webster Technique assesses the hard bony aspects of the pelvis such as the sacroiliac joints at the back of your pelvis and pubic symphysis at the front, but also the soft tissues that connect or can influence its function. This includes the Sacrotuberous ligaments which travel between each sitting bone and your tailbone, the hip flexor muscles, the round ligaments attaching the uterus to the front of your pelvis and the muscles in your gluteal (bum) region!

If any of these tissues are out of balance then there is more likelihood that strain and dysfunction can occur.

Think of a hot air balloon….

The uterus is the balloon

The round ligaments are the ropes attaching the uterus to the front of the pelvis  

The basket is the front of the pelvis  


If, as the balloon gets bigger (as your uterus will) there is tension on one of the ropes (the round ligaments) then there will be more pull on one attachment to the bony pelvis and there is often a tilt or twist that occurs in the balloon. This can cause a change in the space that the baby has to move and grow and can ultimately lead to an altered orientation of the cervix (the baby’s exit route).

With regular Webster Technique checks we can assess which bony or soft tissue structures require support and then work directly with them specifically to create more balance for you and your baby.

Does it work?

In 2018 a study of 343 pregnant patients was conducted and concluded that participants were “highly satisfied and their Quality of Life scores improved with care beyond chance” (1). The outcomes measured included pain levels, fatigue, sleep disturbance to name a few.

A case study from 2019 details the successful health outcomes following chiropractic care of a pregnant woman presenting with low back pain (2). At 31-weeks gestation she presented complaining of low back and right sacroiliac joint pain after picking up her toddler. She was cared for with the Webster Technique scheduled at once a week for 3 weeks. The patient’s low back complaint was ameliorated along with improved range of motion.

A 24-year-old presenting in her 10th week of gestation complaining of low back discomfort that began with her pregnancy along with longstanding upper back pain (3). The patient’s low back pain began 8 weeks prior, correlating to the beginning of her pregnancy. The patient was cared for with the Webster Technique and a chiropractic treatment approach called the Thompson Technique. In total, the patient attended 16 visits over a 3-month period. As a result of chiropractic care, the patient was able to work without pain with the patient electing to continue her care throughout her pregnancy. This lady also reported improvement in her sleep pattern following care.

 These are all common scenarios which I see here every day at CoreHealth Chiropractic.

When is it safe to attend?

The sooner we can check you on your journey the better results we have! The Webster Technique is a safe approach at any stage of your pregnancy. To book your session call us on 01292 502 292 or click here.

 ‘til next time,



1. Alcantara J, Nazarenko A, Ohm J, Alcantara J, The Use of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System and the RAND VSQ9 to Measure the Quality of Life and Visit-Specific Satisfaction of Pregnant Patients Under Chiropractic Care Utilizing the Webster Technique. J Altern Complement Med, 2018 Jan; 24(1): 90-98.

2. Porter M, Alcantara J, Resolution of Back Pain & Sleep Disturbance in a Pregnant Patient Following Chiropractic Care Using Webster Technique: A Case Report & Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, November 5, 2019, Pages 117-121.

3. Snyder J, Alcantara J, Resolution of Low Back & Pelvic Pain in a Pregnant Patient Utilizing the Webster Technique: A Case Report & Review of the Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, December 18, 2019, Pages 139-143.


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