What’s that noise??

🤔 Picture the scene:

You’re driving home from work and your car starts making an unusual noise.

🤷‍♀️ What would you do??

💡 Roll the window up.

You can still hear it....

💡 Turn the radio up.

You can still hear it.....

💡 Turn the radio up louder.

That’s it! Problem solved. You can’t hear it anymore! RESULT! 💪

Fast forward a week and there you are, standing by the side of the bypass, stressed out in the rain as a truck loads up your noisy, broken-down heap of metal and before you know it your bank balance is £800 lighter and you’re left kicking yourself that you didn’t do something sooner to avoid this 😭

The noise never really went away.

You just ignored it.

Now, let's relate this to your body....

Symptoms are our inbuilt warning system 🚨 Whether it’s pain, indigestion, dizziness or loss of strength, our body is using these to communicate with us to signal that something’s not right.

If we ignore symptoms and don’t do anything to resolve them they don’t ‘just go away’.

For example, when we take painkillers to help with pain we’re just ‘turning the radio up’. Not sorting the problem. Our symptoms are likely to either get worse, potentially causing permanent damage or they’ll morph into another problem as our body compensates.

Let's look at how we treat our cars:

🚗 In the UK we each spend on average 468 hours in our cars every year. We have our cars MOT’d every year.

👤 We spend 8,760 hours per year in our bodies.

How often do you book your body in for an MOT?

By my calculation it would be 19 times a year if we looked after it as well as we did our cars. Plus, we often trade our cars in every few years for something a bit 'younger and more reliable' whereas with us, we’re kinda stuck with the body we’ve got for life!

If we wait to get ill and experience symptoms, we will never thrive and work at our optimum function. We need to take responsibility for our individual health status and focus on enhancing our ‘wellness’ rather than waiting for ‘illness’ to occur. Early intervention and prevention.

❓Could we perhaps look at all aspects of ourselves and work to promote factors such as our activity levels, time spent outside, good diet, better sleep quality, fewer musculoskeletal strain patterns, limiting toxins in our foods/toiletries and improving our mental health state?

Our bodies are vital, have amazing potential and are incredibly capable of healing and maintaining health.

Don’t wait til something goes wrong.

Get checked.

See a chiropractor (including your kids - when they’re as little as possible!).

Get outdoors.

Exercise every day. Eat well.

Stay hydrated.

By doing this you could save yourself the hassle of having to call for emergency help when symptoms take over when the price you pay becomes more than just frustrating and financial.

We can act as the RAC if required, but please let us help you work at your best, like the finely oiled machine that you are... or could be! 😁

Call us today on 01292 502 292 or DM to book your MOT check-up!

‘til next time,

Francesca xx


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